My English teacher
My English teacher at school was a perfect teacher for me and he was my hero.When i was studying at school he encouraged me to learn English language curriculum,also he was motivating me by giving me gifts when i passed any exam .I was proud of him.He was very kind of me. He taught me very well .I liked English language,also my major at university is English language and literature, however i inspired for him all English language rules and knowledge of this language.I became perfect of English language.I wrote many of essays about many topics of literature and my current life and i did many researches of English language.I found English language my path for everything.I knew English language skills,such as reading, writing,listening ,speaking. I had proficiency of all of these skills .
I learned English language rules ,like simple present tense ,simple past tense ,presrent continue te nse . I was familiar of all English rules. University life is very beautiful life and it is beautiful moments of my life , There were many instructors that i learnt from them many items and many courses ,topics like English literature.phonetics . semantics.My favourite instructor at University is Mohammed alkayed , he's very kind instructor and i learnt from him many things related to English language and life in general. My teachers at school or my instructor at University are my hero cause they supplied us with knowledge to became the leaders for our future.we must respect them and appreciate them about what did they do for us .In our Islamic religion respect teachers ,Islam religion resembles teachers like profets and massengers .We should understand the importance of the teachers , nowadays students don't give teachers any respect or importance at private schools or governmental schools.I would like to know why are we marginalized teachers from our life at this moment Finally.i advise to appreciate educated people and encourage them to the best and give them a chance to initiate there point of view.